Process Automation
Veda helps with your everyday time-consuming processes to make them efficient and easier.
Lunch Attendance
Veda helps keep track of lunch attendance; parents get notified if the students miss the lunch, and is directly integrated with billing and accounting.
Bus Attendance
Veda helps keep track of bus attendance from the mobile app; parents get notified if the students miss the bus, which is directly integrated with billing and accounting.
Leave Notes
Parents can add leave notes for students, making it easier for class teachers to track students’ attendance.
Teacher’s Daily Report
Teachers Daily Report helps the administration to keep track of teachers’ daily tasks and progress.
Homework Checking
Teachers can easily check homework from their devices and view logs, and analyze students’ assignments graphically.
Homework systems remove the need for diaries; the log and analysis help teachers and schools analyze students’ homework history.
Class Attendance System
Teachers can take attendance during on-site classes from their mobile apps. The attendance log helps keep track of students' attendance records, and parents get notified if they are absent.
Online Learning
Veda is the best-in-class platform for online learning.
Class Reminder
Along with class routine, Veda automatically sends a reminder notification to students when a class starts to notify students.
Discussion Forum
The discussion forum helps students to ask questions, find solutions, and collaborate.
Assignment Evaluation with Annotation
Teachers can evaluate the assignment right from the app and use annotation if needed, which is, in turn, available to students.
Assignment Updates and Submission
Teachers can provide assignments in the form of pdf, images, links, or text to students. Students can view and submit the assignment from the app or web.
Objective Exams (Quiz)
Veda has a full-fledged objective exam (quiz) system with auto-grading and with full-fledged analytics of students.
E-Classroom helps schools to provide learning content, videos, and reading materials to students.
Zoom Integrated Online Classes
Teachers can take attendance during on-site classes from their mobile apps faster. The attendance log helps to keep track of students' attendance records.
Efficient Communication
Veda makes communication between teachers, students, schools, and parents efficient, easier, and cheaper.
Chat System
Parents and Students can chat directly with teachers or schools to get information directly from the app.
Automated Birthday Wish
Veda adds a personal touch with the automated birthday wish for students making them feel cared for.
News and Blog
News and blogs help schools keep parents and students updated with the latest happenings and topics.
Feedback System
Our feedback systems help schools to get valuable feedback, including suggestions and appreciation from parents and students.
Smart SMS
Smart SMS helps save SMS cost by combining SMS & notification while ensuring the information is delivered.
Push Notification
Schools or teachers can send information as notifications to parents, students, or teachers.
Student Management
Veda makes managing students easier and helps schools by tracking and analyzing regularly updated data.
Student Group
Students can be grouped like football, bus, or other groups to easily manage data and send notifications.
Result Record and Analysis
All the results are recorded, and graphical tools help to analyze the results over time.
Homework Record
The homework provided and the points secured, the done and not done count, and all other details are recorded for individual students.
Parent’s Visit Record
Whenever parents visit school, the purpose is recorded, which can also be found from their details.
Past Data
Students’ every data is stored in the system, making it easier for schools to retrieve the data.
Attendance and Leave Record
Students’ attendance records and leave notes help teachers and schools to keep track of students’ attendance, which can be directly used in exams and billing.
Student Details
All the details of students, including personal details, parents’ details, educational details, health details, and more, can be stored and retrieved when needed.
Automated Birthday Notification
Veda adds a personal touch with the automated birthday wish for students making them feel cared for.
Notification Logs
Schools can view all the notifications sent to a student, including generic and custom notification.
Student Performance Analysis
Veda makes analysing performance of students easier and more efficient.
SPAs helps visualize student performance graphically.
Continuous Assessment System (CAS)
CAS helps schools to set goals and targets for students and analyze achievements.
Teacher’s Remarks
Teachers can provide remarks for students, helping schools keep track of students’ academics and behaviors.
Class Evaluation
Teachers can evaluate the academics and behavior of students as a group using class evaluation.
General Evaluation
Teachers can evaluate the academics and behavior of students using class evaluation.
Merit / Demerit Log
Teachers can add merit and demerit points to students, helping teachers view students’ performance across various fields.
Graphical Representation and Analysis Tools
Veda incorporates graphical representation and analysis tools to make information and knowledge out of data.
Result System
Veda makes printing and downloading results much easier.
Result Entry
Veda helps to enter the result in various ways, using the web, mobile app, or excel upload.
Continuous Assessment System (CAS)
Veda has a CAS system for the assessment of students in various ways.
Online Result
The result can be published online, and parents can view the result from their mobile apps.
Custom Result Print Design
With unique templates for each school, schools can customize their result print design.
Result Analysis
Teachers and students can both analyze the results of students over time using graphical tools in Veda.
Past Result Record
Veda keeps a record of all the past results, making it easier to view them at any given time.
Exam Schedule
Exam schedule helps students to find exam routine and are notified before the exam starts.
Entrance Card Printing
Entrance cards for students can be generated and printed from Veda.
Billing System
Veda makes the rigorous process of printing and generating invoice easier.
Invoice and Payments
Veda makes the rigorous task of generating invoices and paying bills easier.
Instant Invoice and Instant Payment
Veda billing system allows schools to add stationery and other items fee to bill directly instantly.
Online Billing
Bills can be generated and published online, which parents can view via their mobile apps; parents can also view dues and payment history.
Online Payment
Parents can pay bills easily using an online payment system from within the app.
Discounts & Scholarships
Student scholarships and discounts can be easily managed from the system.
Multiple Report Formats
Veda provides multiple report formats like Day Book, Balance Summary, and Due Report.
In-app billing history
Parents can view the billing history, payment, and dues of any individual whenever they want.
User Access Control
User Access Control ensures users can use features and access data that they are assigned, assuring security.
Usage Log
Usage Log of users helps administrators visualize usage of the system by all the users, like bills generated by individual users.
Bus & Lunch Fare Calculation
Automatic Bus and Lunch Fare is generated based on Bus and Lunch Attendance.
Bill Raise Notification
An automatic notification is sent to parents when bills are raised, reminding parents to pay bills on time.
Feature Barring
Administrators can bar specific features like the result for students who do not pay bills on time.
Quick payment using Parents’ Card
Parents’ can use their cards to pay bills fast and easily by scanning the QR code, reducing the need for the accountant to search for students' data manually.
Accounting System
Veda uses easy methods to manage accounts through its system.
Accounting Vouchers
All required voucher formats like Purchase, Sales, Receipt, Payment, Debit note, Credit note, Journal, Contra.
Budget Based Accounting
Budget Based Accounting helps schools to plan their budget and manage cash flow efficiently.
Report Generation and Printing
Accountants can generate and print the reports instantly.
User Access Control
User Access Control ensures users can use features and access data that they are assigned, assuring security.
Usage History
Usage History of users helps administrators to visualize usage of the system by all the users.
Document Management and Printing
Veda manages the document and prints it without much effort.
ID Card Generation and Printing
Veda automatically generates ID Cards of students, parents, and teachers, which can be printed directly from the system.
Student document upload and storage
Student’s certificates and other documents can be scanned, uploaded, and stored in Veda, searching, and printing for future use easier.
Certificate Generation and Printing
Custom certificates such as SEE certificates, sports certificates, character certificates, and more can be generated and printed directly from the system.
Past Data Download
All the past data is stored in Veda that can be retrieved, easily searched for, printed, or used.
Data Download and Printing
All the data is stored in Veda that can be retrieved, easily searched for, printed, or used.
Result Printing
Veda allows you to print past or present results right away.
Exam Entrance Card Printing
An integrated system that allows the efficient printing of Exam Entrance Cards at a stroke.
Staff Management
Veda keeps records of staff for easy management of data.
Staff Details
Veda helps store staff personal, personal, and contact details that can be added and retrieved easily.
Attendance and Leave Notes
Staff members can add leave notes, making it easier to see staff that are on leave.
Staff Access Level
Our feedback systems help schools to get valuable feedback, including suggestions and appreciation from parents and students.
Staff Notification
Schools can send a notification to teachers easily, helping teachers stay in the loop.
Daily Report
Teachers can add the daily report that includes classes, content taught, and lesson plans, helping teachers keep track of courses and schools to keep track of teachers.
Work Schedule
Teachers can find their daily schedules automatically generated by the system for time management.
Teacher's Performance Analysis
Graphical and analytical tools help schools to analyze teacher performance based on data.
Library Management
Veda manages books and records for safe use of library books and journals.
QR Based issue/return
Books are issued and return through the use of QR code, making the process swift.
Booking System
Books can be pre-booked within quota from Veda Mobile App.
Automatic Fine Calculation
Automatic Fine calculation helps keep track of students who do not return books on time; the fine is directly added to the bill.
Book Issue/return History
Veda keeps the history of the issued and returned date for students, in which students from their mobile apps can view students.
Book Return Notice
Notification is sent to mobile apps if the return date is approaching to make sure books are returned on time.
Vehicle Management
Veda keeps track of vehicle movements, calculates fare and keeps track of bus attendance.
Bus Tracking
Parents can view the location of their children's buses via Veda mobile app.
Bus Data and Travel Log
Schools can find information about buses like current speed, position, over-speeding, distance traveled, etc.
Bus Attendance
Attendance is conducted inside the bus to see if the students get in and out of the school vehicle safely.
Bus Fare Calculation
Veda has an integrated system that makes the calculation of bus fare efficient.
Reception System
Veda’s reception system keeps records that can be retrieved at any-time.
Visitors Record Entry
Receptionists can use the system to enter the details of people who visit the schools.
Visitor’s Log
Schools can find the visitors log to see the people who visited their school, the reason for the visit, and the person who they came to visit.